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Hi, I am Gearóid

Gearóid Ó Treasaigh

Software Craftsmanship Coach at Freelance

Looking for a digital transformation? Struggling with rapidly delivering new features for your product that truly delight users? Below you can see the services that I offer to address these problems.

XP Farm - XP Coach
Blue Core Coaching Supervisor
IBM Career Coach
Agile Coaching
Blue Core Coach
Agile Team Facilitation



BriX Consulting

Jan 2024 - Present

London, United Kingdom

Software Craftsmanship Coach with NS

Jan 2024 - Present

  • Iteratively develop and improve the curriculum based on experimentation.
  • Coach teams on how to apply Extreme Programming.
  • Train teams in the skills of Extreme Programming.


Dec 2023 - Present

London, United Kingdom

Software Consultant & Software Craftsmanship Coach

Dec 2023 - Present

  • Transform teams from mediocre development practices to elite software craftsmanship.
  • Coach teams on how to improve culture and ways of working.
  • Develop custom solutions for clients.

IBM United Kingdom

May 2019 - Jun 2023

London, United Kingdom

Technical Agile Coach

Jan 2022 - Jun 2023

  • Trained and mentored 4 developer dojos on eXtreme Programming to become software craftspeople. Improved participants’ TDD, planning, and DevOps skills which improved their DORA scores on their teams.
  • Created a course on basic data analysis using Jupyter Notebooks which enabled both technical and non-technical participants to make more informed decsions building their applications. This improved their ability to build the right features for users.
  • Organised outward mindset classes and a guild for an oganisation of over 260 people which had an impact on teams ability to focus on outcome and achieve their OKRs.
  • Received the Peer-to-Peer - Growth Minded award for transforming the organisation.
Implementation Architect & Technical Lead

Oct 2020 - Dec 2021

  • Migrated the deal registration process used by business partners from a NodeJS application to Salesforce. The business partner community consists of 200k users and 10k partners and generates 11 billion USD$ annually.
  • Simplified the deal registration to one simple process instead of a multi step process they previously experienced.
Senior JavaScript Full Stack Development Lead

May 2019 - Oct 2020

  • Transformed the software deal registration process which lead to an increase in the NPS score and ensured the entire process was automated within the NodeJS application.
  • Mentored a group of 3 development leads in squad leadership and agile refinement.
  • Led and mentored a tribe of 18 developers.

IBM Ireland

Jun 2008 - Apr 2019

Dublin, Ireland

JavaScript Full Stack Development Lead

Jan 2017 - Apr 2019

  • Created an AngularJS application with a NodeJS backend that automated opportunity and incentive creation for 10k business partners and their 200k users.
  • The transformation lead to users instantly recording the opportunities and products that they were selling from an old process that could take them days as they waited for each step to complete.
  • Led a team of 6 people as part of the agile tribe.
  • Earned an Outstanding Technical Achievement award for transforming and simplifying the partners registering their deals.
DevOps and Web Development Lead

Mar 2011 - Dec 2016

  • Transformed the deployment process for an on-premise instance which previously took 72 hours to be able to run, to within 2 hours, saving a maximum of 2000 hours over the course of the year for the business.
  • Continuously sought areas that were not automated and led the team to be able to transform and automate the deployments.
  • Earned an Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for being the first team to introduce Urban Code Deployment and use it to deploy to production.
Web Developer

May 2009 - Mar 2011

  • Web developer on a number of enterprise collaboration applications using Java and C for the backend with HTML, Dojo, JavaScript and CSS for the frontend.
Web Application Graduate

Jun 2008 - May 2009

  • Java developer on the XPages application which provided users the ability to create Domino applications in a fraction of the time using a drag and drop interface.

Galway City Council

Apr 2007 - Dec 2010

Galway, Ireland

Community Forum Webmaster

Apr 2007 - Dec 2010

Galway, Ireland

Webmaster & IT consultant

Dec 2004 - Jun 2008


University of Galway

Sep 2007 - Apr 2008

Galway, Ireland

Lab Demonstrator

Sep 2007 - Apr 2008

Dublin City University

Jun 2007 - Aug 2007

Dublin, Ireland

ODCSSS Student Researcher

Jun 2007 - Aug 2007



Password Management (Part 2): Passwordless Login
Medium 16 May 2024

We keep hearing about the move to passwordless logins. What does all this mean? Does it mean that we’re not going to have any way of checking who we are or that we’re moving to the advanced technology where we have retina scanning? Let’s delve into it in this blog post.What Is Authentication?Let’s start with authentication. Auth0 defines authentication as the process of proving some fact or document is genuine. A user proves their identity by providing their credentials. A user can use…

Password Management (Part 1): The Basics
Medium 2 May 2024

Happy World Password Day! (In 2024, it’s being celebrated on May 2nd). Remembering loads of passwords is an absolute pain. As we work in corporate jobs, we find that the number of personal and professional passwords we have continues to grow, along with having to log into systems numerous times a day. In general, employees manage 191 logins and log in 154 times a month, with each login taking, on average, 14 seconds, causing us to spend at least 36 minutes entering passwords per month. Let’s…

A Change in Identity — From Developer to Craftsperson
Medium 26 Apr 2024

A Change in Identity — From Developer to CraftspersonIn this blog article, we’ll explore the principles of software craftsmanship, the benefits of becoming a software craftsperson, and how we can improve our skills. We’ll look at a growth mindset and some resources to help us on our journey. Let’s dive in!Witnessing CraftsmanshipLet’s say we enter a home and face this beautifully crafted staircase. Why do we even think this is beautiful? What comes to mind is the skill and work that has gone…

Building Elite Teams Starts With Habits
Medium 17 Apr 2024

Going from a mediocre team to an elite team can seem daunting, especially when we need to figure out where to start. The DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) can be our north star, helping us build the habits and practices we need to be elite. We’ll look at DORA, the challenges of building habits, and how to form habits that stick.What Is DORA?The DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) report focuses on four key areas to measure elite teams:Lead time: How long does it take from code committed…

Introduction to Pull Request Stacking
Medium 10 Apr 2024

Pull Request (PR) stacking is another name for stacked diffs, a concept that has existed for several years. We’ll discuss what it is, the tools we can use, and where PR stacking may benefit us.What Is PR Stacking?In traditional Pull Requests (PRs), the developer makes all the changes in one or more commits and then opens the PR to merge the change into the main branch. The approach in PR stacking instead is to separate the functionality to be delivered into pieces. Let’s say we’re working on a…


Honors & awards

Peer-to-Peer Recognition - Growth Minded
IBM May 2023

Gearoid is Growth Minded because he is always willing to learn and grow, and he is committed to helping others do the same. He has demonstrated this by sharing his experience and software craftsmanship expertise with others, encouraging teams to adopt an outward mindset culture, and educating individuals in using data analysis to improve software delivery outcomes.

XP Farm Blue Belt
IBM Apr 2022

This award demonstrates a commitment to software craftsmanship, continuous learning, teamwork, and the discipline to stick to daily practice.

IBM Corporate Service Corps
IBM Aug 2018

IBM Service Corps is a global volunteer program that sends IBMers to work on projects with non-profit organizations and social enterprises in developing countries. The program is designed to use IBM’s skills and expertise to help solve some of the world’s most pressing social challenges. Service Corps projects have covered a wide range of areas, including education, healthcare, economic development, and environmental sustainability. Gearoid spent a month volunteering in Cape Town, South Africa, working with a local non-profit orgainisation.

Outstanding Technical Achievement Award
IBM Aug 2017

This is an award for tranforming the Partner Relationship Managment from being a clunky process spread across a number of tools to being a single application - My Sales Activity - that can complete a deal registration in 5 minutes instead of taking a number of hours. This was built as an AngularJS application that cut the development costs by 1.5 milliion a year.

Outstanding Technical Achievement
IBM Nov 2014

Received for being the first application to use uDeploy in a production application, deploying SugarCRM and other microservices as part of a Customer Relationship Management application. Along with developing a custom command line tool - uCommand to enable easier deployments using uDeploy.

People's Innovation Choice
IBM Oct 2014

Awarded the people’s choice award for the Connections toolbar for Firefox which was developed during my spare time, and voted on globally, by IBM employees. The project was open source and available on

Leadership Excellence
IBM Nov 2013

Lead and developed the people on the SalesConnect team in Dublin to deliver a rich collaboration experience within the application.


B.Sc. in Computing Studies